This is a simple arduino code for rotating the plate. From easy driver sample code, I extract step and dir part to start rotating. Also, I use steps and usDelay parts from mapamok. However, I had to play with delay part and mostly usDelay part to sink properly with rotating plate with speed 4.
int x;
float rotation = 0.0;
void setup()
pinMode(6,OUTPUT); // Enable
pinMode(5,OUTPUT); // Step
pinMode(4,OUTPUT); // Dir
digitalWrite(6,LOW); // Set Enable low
void loop()
float deg = 0.51;
int steps = abs(deg)*(1.0/0.225);
float usDelay = (1.0/4.0)*125;
//150 movie fast
//100 rol fast
//120 movie little fast
//110 roll fast
digitalWrite(4,HIGH); // Set Dir high
for(x = 0; x < steps; x++)